"I'm going to die alone.."
That is one of the many things you might feel after a breakup. It isn't just that your relationship has ended. Life, as you knew it, is over. Your grief and the loss of security and connection have changed the trajectory of your life.
If you're facing a breakup in mid-life, you might additionally be taking care of children, aging parents, holding down a career and now: facing a breakup. It seems like it's too much for one person.
I've been there-multiple times. That's why I wrote the BREAKUP CALL. The book offers specific steps for speeding up your breakup recovery and creating a new life you love, whether you're single or coupled.
THE BREAKUP CALL book can help you get over your (toxic) breakup, leave self-doubt and grief behind, and stop dating people that are bad for you. You'll learn:
  • How to move on from your Ex faster
  • How to manage and take control of the logistics of your breakup
  • How to heal, so you can find true love again
Everything Hurts Everywhere
Nothing feels more lonely than the end of a relationship, even if you're the one who left. Your person is gone. You don't know what the future holds. You didn't think it would be this hard. You thought the sadness or fear would be over by now.
Getting unstuck from negative emotions is hard because you don't always notice that you're stuck. You might even begin to feel like this is just the new normal. That is why it's important to get support for the emotional AND practical challenges that come with breakups:
You're angry at your Ex and life itself because it feels unfair and nothing makes sense.
You're scared of living alone, the future, the new relationship status you're facing.
You feel like nothing will ever be good again and you miss your partner all the time.
Financial Worries
You’re not sure you can pay for bills, legal fees, or the cost of living alone.
You’re finding it hard to do things alone or to be alone. You can't take the silence.
You can’t fall asleep, stay asleep, or you wake up too early, feeling anxious or exhausted.
You’re constantly thinking about your Ex and checking their social media feeds.
You romanticize even the bad times and wonder if you should get back together.
Breakups are a Time of Transformation
(but on steroids)
Breakups cause massive uncertainty
You're worried about what comes next. Divorce? Moving? New partners on either side? You don't recognize your life anymore. You think you're not worthy or capable of a loving relationship, or that this breakup will define you from now on.
When community is no longer enough
After a while, well-meaning friends or family members may have started to get impatient, wondering "shouldn't you be over this by now?" or the all-time favorite: "you should get back out there, start dating again!" But you just don't feel ready.
Beyond the breakup...
This is not just about getting over your Ex, getting a divorce, or fixing toxic dating patterns. Though that is going to happen! It's not about anyone else but you reclaiming joy, building resilience, and creating a life beyond your wildest pre-breakup dreams.
Take Back Your Life!
Stop trying to get back your ex, your old life, the big sofa. Find the life you were meant to live, with the new person you were meant to live it with!
THE BREAKUP CALL will help you step into a new life that won't look anything like your old one. And that is A GOOD THING! Discover personalized strategies to break negative dating patterns, foster healthier relationships and a renewed sense of purpose. Here's what you'll read about:
  • Get over crash-and-burn breakups
  • Get over getting divorced
  • Stop numbing your pain with unhealthy behaviors
  • Stop checking your Ex's social media
  • Change unhealthy dating patterns
  • Stop thinking it's all your fault-or theirs
  • Stop second-guessing yourself
  • Get back your confidence
  • Move on, even without so-called "closure"
  • Find a loving, lasting relationship again
About Ricardia 💟
I didn't plan on becoming a breakup expert. Who would set themselves up to specialize in heartbreak!
However, two divorces and a child later, I realized there was one thing I knew more about than most people around me: how to survive breakups and use them to create a life that is authentically yours.
I wrote THE BREAKUP CALL because I would have needed this book for my breakups. At the time, all I found were marriage counselors, psychotherapists and women circles. What I didn't find were specific tools to get over my breakups faster and for good!
THE BREAKUP CALL is the result of my personal experience and professional work as a certified yoga teacher, Breakup Expert, AND part-time standup comedian!
Ricardia was a Londoner, then a New Yorker, now she's living in Berlin. She's also the producer, writer and host of the podcast Bitch, breathe! where she speaks about women in their forties with regards to careers, feminism, relationships, and, of course, breakups.

Not Your Regular Breakup,
not Your Regular Breakup Expert
The book is not your regular how-to-breakup gig. As a seasoned communicator, I provide unconventional yet effective insights drawing from my yoga teaching practice, my writing and-as a middle-aged woman-a boatload of life experience!
By the way, having a good sense of humor isn't the worst skill to have and it's my "secret" superpower! Start your journey of effective breakup recovery and personal growth and find out how to use this time to create an amazing life. Dare to embark on a uniquely empowering journey towards healing and transformation with me.
The podcast Bitch, breathe! was a deeply personal choice to share what Ricardia learned about relationships, breakups, aging, careers, and feminism. It offers key insights into how we can make better mental health choices and keep our sense of humor!
Ricardia has appeared as a guest on various podcasts to talk about conscious uncoupling, narcissistic breakups and how to survive any kind of breakup. One of these engagements was the Fail in Love Nights. And just recently, she's started a standup routine on relationships and breakups!
Ricardia wrote for print as well as various online platforms about healing, breakups and spirituality. You'll find her writing on gaia.com, yogaeasy.de, elephant journal, and doyou.com. Last but not least, of course, she wrote THE BREAKUP CALL. You can order it here.
What People Say About Ricardia
„She is a very sensitive, attentive and loving person who reads between the lines.”
"I met Ricardia as a yoga teacher. She is a very sensitive, attentive and loving person who reads between the lines and sense what the other person needs. I enjoyed having her as a conversation partner and was able to take away a lot of healing insights from the conversations with her. She makes you feel comfortable always."
Uli B.
Gestalt Therapist, Therapie Blaustein
„Her empathic and personable style of storytelling captivated the audience.”
"I am super grateful that Ricardia was part of the FAIL IN LOVE NIGHTS in cooperation with Deutschlandfunk Nova! Her empathic and personable style of storytelling captivated the audience. Her smart, authentic, reflective manner and her amazing voice, were an incredible asset to the show. Highly recommended!!!"
Juli Stockheim
Founder Fail in Love Nights
„With great sensitivity and patience, she turned our class into a dedicated community.”
When Ricardia and I met, she was leading a yoga class for men only. Successfully so, because the yoga practice has become an integral part of my life. With great sensitivity and patience, she turned our class into a dedicated community that met for several years. I feel gratitude that with Ricardia's help I was able to have this experience.
Dr. Heiko H.
Health Sciences
Out Now!
Want more advice on how to get over your breakup? This is the only guide you'll ever need. Order it on kindle or in print NOW!
Advice you won't get anywhere else
The Breakup Call does not beat around the bush. You'll find honest and personal advice for what to do when divorce papers arrive, whom to call when a breakup has turned toxic and what to tell your mom, the kids, your dog about what happened with your relationship. It's all right there. All you have to do is follow the steps I've laid out for you here.
Don't make these mistakes
How and why breakups occur is deeply personal. By the same token, the feelings, and even logistics of it all, can be quite universal. That is why I share my own breakup experience up close and personal with you. Use the book to find out what NOT to do, how to navigate the at times very murky waters of a recent separation, and realize you are not alone in any of this.
See the humor in it all
You'd think a breakup book would be an ongoing saga of sadness or desperation, but you couldn't be further from the truth! While it does suggest what to do next, the book also features heaps of anecdotal evidence that you can be knee-deep in despair and still see the funny side of things, all in one hilarious paragraph! Don't believe me? Check out the part about the worst tattoo ever.
What publishers are saying about
"The Breakup Call was found to be an insightful and striking read with a distinct voice interspersed with your own personal experiences and the steps you took to overcome these challenges your words are sure to resonate with the reader-even if they have not been in the same situation themselves, we have not doubt that readers will come through having read your book changed with the new perspectives we have on self-love and breakups."
Listen to Episodes About Breakups, Relationships & Dating on the Podcast
Listen to some of the most popular episodes on dating and breakups on my podcast: Bitch, breathe! Thousands of listeners have tuned in over the years. Many have written to me, saying they found a lot of common sense advice here, and that it was exactly what they needed to hear at the time. That's why I do this! Get some of the most personal advice on breakups, love, parenthood, feminism and toxic relationships wherever you get your podcast.
#13 The Marriage Myth Part I
Time to debunk some of those terribly stubborn myths about "happily ever after"...
#18 How to Leave a Narcissist
How can we handle a conflict-ridden break-up and leave an unhealthy relationship for good?
#23 The Breakup Part I
What to do when our romantic relationship ends and we feel like we're falling apart?